
Speedgoat 50k Registration goes online soon!

December 11 2015, 7:06 pm

On January 4th at 7am,  come join the rest of the nuts and run the Speedgoat 50k.  Don’t forget to add the other two races we created last season, the Vertical Mile, and the (soon to be legendary) Quadbanger Descent Race.  Find all info here at

Stay tuned for more posts from me, and go like my Facebook Athlete Page, find me at twitter @speedgoatkarl, and on Instagram.

In August, I’ll attempt to break Scott Jurek’s record on the AT….one last run at the beast. Third time is a charm right?

Also  look for more posts from me in the near future,  As I update my page, life, and coaching services for 2016 and beyond. I”m not dead yet….

Lastly, coming soon will be the “Speedgoat Store”, where all available Speedgoat products will be for sale here.  We’ll have the soon to be legendary “Speedgoat Hoka“, “Speedgoat Drymax Socks“, “Speedgoat Ultraspire Pack“, “Speedgoat winter running hat” from Black Diamond, “and of course “Speedgoat Karl’s 100 mile Blend“. Everything takes me forever, but hang tight, it’s coming.

Rally and you can create a speedgoat care package for a goat near you!